More ways to bring text into Keynote – using handwritten annotations to bring spontaneity and engagement to your presentations

Last week I showed you some advanced text rendering options for Apple’s Keynote presentation software.

Following the first part of a two-part workshop for psychologists, conducted this past weekend, I wanted to show how one can bring in hand-written text appropriately onto a Keynote slide so as to keep the presentation spontaneous and engaging.

In this case, I was introducing colleagues to how the iPad could be utilised in practice, and started with how Steve Jobs introduced this “magical device” in January, 2010, to see it initially panned by its critics, then become the fastest uptake of an computing device.

I took some screenshots from the keynote, eliminated some text elements, then introduced annotations by hand. If your preference is to see how to use Keynote in a basic fashion, there are many tutorials on the web to seek. I’ll be looking to demonstrate more unusual uses in future posts.

You can see the tutorial, constructed using Telestream’s Screenflow 5 software, and SP Controls, Doceribelow.

2 responses to “More ways to bring text into Keynote – using handwritten annotations to bring spontaneity and engagement to your presentations

  1. I’ve had mixed results–usually negatives ones–using Doceri. It just feels awkward, nonintuitive, even alien to write on glass, and especially difficult when standing in front of an audience. I feel the same way with using pdfPen and annotating on glass–highlighting is fine, but writing script or printing is difficult. Les, your handwriting is pretty good, even with a stylus; I have the Doceri pen and, even though precise, is even more difficult to write with.

    • As you saw, I used a really early rubber tipped pen to write. Using one of the new adonit jots with a much more precise pen tip should show improved legibility.

      I think the idea of being able to write text directly is the one to go if it can be done. Have you tried any other whiteboard alternatives? There are several out there now.

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